03 March 2008

X spot, W files - news

I am pleased to anounce 2 more 'interactions': the 'X spot' in London, on Friday the 2nd of May 2008 and the 'W files' in Madrid, on Saturday the 14th of June 2008. I will have as 'local partners', co-organizing the events, Thomas Gantner in London and Key Portilla-Kawamura in Madrid. In London the event will be hosted by The George Tavern. As they said 'There are approx 10,000 artists, performers and musicians in Central East London. All of whom need places to meet and a platform to show work', we thought it would be the perfect spot for our meeting. We plan to show presentations from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (with a break) and then stay in for drinking and talking untill The George closes, at 1 a.m.. Please notice that Thursday the 1st of May is a holiday in most countries in Europe, so it could be a good opportunity to take Friday off and spend some days in London... If you already live there, you are invited to join us and bring your friends. In Madrid the event will be hosted by the Studio Banana, 'un faro cultural de debate y encuentro' dedicated to 'creación con carácter transdisciplinar'. We plan to show presentations from 15h00m to 17h00m and then stay in for watching Sweden vs Spain, referring to Euro Cup 2008 (starts at 18h00m). We thought this could be a great way of mixing culture and sport. You are invited to join us and bring your friends...

02 March 2008

W files - flyer

by Key Portilla-Kawamura

X spot - flyer

by Thomas Gantner

W files - info

080614 STUDIO BANANA MADRID SPAIN - from 15h00m to 20h00m

X spot - info

080502 THE GEORGE TAVERN LONDON ENGLAND - from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.